

"My name is Juan, I come from Ecuador and I am in France since 2016. I am working for ATOMIZE, which is a company in the digital field. I have firstly worked in business development, then I became business development manager for France, Spain and Latin America and since July 2021 I am manager of customer access and customer service, I accompany customers in the onbording part and the support. Basically I solve issues for the clients. I really like the flexibility, macro management and digital in this job.

Why did you choose freelance administration?

As my client company is in Sweden and I am in France, I needed to find a solution and start as an independant freelancer and manage all the administrative aspects. However, I realized that as a beginner, I had a lot to learn and I didn't have the time to do all the administrative procedures.

What does Invoicery provide you with?

What I like most about Invoicery France is that I do not feel alone, there is someone who supports me in all my concerns and questions about various subjects such as French legislation, etc. "

"A big thank you to Invoicery France for these two years of collaboration".


I am a French citizen and have studied in France for the most part and also did a master's year in marketing and services in Norway through an ERASMUS. During the second year of my master's degree, I did an internship in Norway at the Franco-Norwegian chamber of commerce, which gave me the opportunity to start my career abroad.

I have a Master's degree which includes a lot of subjects in the field of business and administration (marketing, accounting, communication, law, strategies, etc.). After my Master's degree, I wanted to work in Norway and I was hired by Nordic Jobs Worldwide, an international recruitment company specialized in agent relocation ( recruiting agents based on their language and skills in order to send them abroad, especially in Europe, Portugal, Spain, Eastern countries, Ireland, etc.).

I began as a simple recruiter. Then, after 10 months in Norway, because of Covid, I decided to come back to France. I needed to come back to the country of my origin, to be with my family and my friends. The question then arose whether or not to continue to work with this company. The CEO knew INVOICERY well and offered me a "portage salarial" so I could continue my career with the company, from France.

What do you like most about your job and about wage portage?

I did around a year and a half of recruitment, then I was upgraded to business manager and finally brand coordinator. What I like best is the flexibility that is given to us, both in my job, but also in terms of a freelance contract where you have more flexibility in your working hours, flexibility regarding holidays and days off, but it is also a responsibility. When you have a freelance position, it is your own responsibility to maintain a record of your work. As someone who operates on commissions and bonus, it is another aspect of my job that remains interesting. Even if you have a lot of help, it's still self-management. On the first hand, there is this preconceived idea that in freelancing, you can do whatever you want. On the other hand, you have to show maturity and responsibility and you are well accompanied in those steps.

It's very important to feel secure, especially as it was my first job so I didn't know much about it. I had looked into setting up a freelance business before, but it took too much time for administration and I had no knowledge or time. With portage, it is quickly accessible.

What does Invoicery France offer you?

The advantages are multiple: Invoicery has the knowledge from a legal, economic and contractual perspective, and it gives us an insight into the law, what we are and are not entitled to, and I feel that this is a safety net on our side. We are supported and everything is well explained. It's very important when you decide to become a freelancer that you feel secure, the communication is fast and fluid. We know we are in good hands and Invoicery has the knowledge to guide us and ensure that the experience goes as smoothly as possible.


My name is Patrick and I am born and raised in Sweden. I met my fiancée when I was in Spain for a work contract and January 2021 we moved to France. I have educated myself in Sales and Service and are currently working as Sales developer representative and as a Business Unit Manager. So I work for companies to acquire new customers by first contacting them, setting up a web meeting where present myself and the product and then I work as their direct contact after the contract is signed.

Why did you choose freelance administration?

Since I am working as a freelancer I need to invoice my clients for the work I do. And since I now live in France I have no experience in how to set up my own company in France and even less experience when it comes to taxes, invoicing, French laws, or paying my own salary. To choose a Portage Salarial helped me with all these things with taxes, laws, what to report to whom and so on. For me it was a blessing, and I can now focus 100% on my work I do not need to think about anything, Portage Salarial takes care of everything for me.

Why did you choose INVOICERY as a freelance administration company?

When I started there were a few options to choose from but Invoicery covers several countries in Europe and that was just what I needed. Since I work for Sweden it fits me perfectly and it secures me for future work with other countries. You have a range of coverage that I needed.

What does Invoicery offer you?

A peace of mind! I don’t need to concern myself about all the things that come with running my own business, payments, taxes how to pay myself and so on. All I need to do is focus on my work and report the revenue to be invoiced once a month and they take care of everything else. Also, Invoicery helped me get a bonus on my salary I did not know I could get, which is great.

How could we improve our service to you?  

That´s a good question because as I see it, I have everything I need, there is nothing else I would ask for. From my point of view you do not need to improve anything. I have a great contact with all your team via email, I get all the support I can ask for and you even helped me creating my French social security number.


I’m Stefanie, 33 years old and I’m currently working as a freelance technical recruiter but my background is more general communication. I’ve always worked in positions with a strong people interaction, ie relocation coaching, quality coaching in technical support, as a consultant and now in recruitment. Since I am a technical person but also need human interaction, technical recruitment is a perfect fit.

What do you like best about your job as a freelancer?

I have used the freelance status in France for the last 2 years. I like it as it’s very flexible in terms of which clients and what location I want to work in. I was able to move from Germany to France and can work anywhere I like as long as I am available online.

Why did you choose freelance administration?

I started the portage in France because I planned to move to France, while my client was based in Germany. For those that might not know, in France you need a French employment contract to receive a health insurance, you need a place of residence to open a bank account but cannot rent an apartment or sign a work contract without a bank account – you run in circles for a while. Without the help of this freelance administration contract, it would have been nearly impossible to land as smoothly as I did when I came to France in 2020.
As a comparison, I tried the auto entrepreneur status for about a year after I was settled, but it didn’t give me the security and benefits as portage had given me in the beginning, such as an open-ended contract (CDI), social benefits, pension coverage, etc. and I don’t have to manage all the administration, I just send my activity report at the ends of the months.

Why did you choose INVOICERY France as a freelance administration company?

Quite frankly, it was recommended to me by a close connection.

What does Invoicery offer you?

Invoicery offers me the necessary support in handling the administration of clients abroad. I don’t have to handle French bureaucracy and can focus on my day to day job. They are really good at explaining the French system from social security to pension to contract. I received and still receive a lot of information about employment laws and my rights. Any question or doubts I have can be answered.

I couldn’t have moved to France if it would not have been for Invoicery: Thanks to them I was able to turn around my life and can live and work from my own Paradise. 


My name is Anders and I’m the CTO (Chief technical Officer) for a fintech startup. I have about 20 year ofexperience working in IT as an engineer and developer.

What do you like best about your job?

Working with IT development and infrastructure is very rewarding since finding and implementing goodstandards has a positive long term effect on both the company you work for and the nature of your every day work.

Why did you choose freelance administration?

I am based in Paris, France but my employer does not have any legal pressens here. This allows me to have local employment while working for a company abroad.

Why did you choose INVOICERY France as a freelance administration company?

Invoicery has a sister company in Sweden. This was important at the time when I was looking for an administrative company as this made it easier to set up the initial contract.

What does Invoicery offer you?

Good fast service with a minimum of administrative work from my part. They also offer good help understanding the ins and outs of the french employment system.


Olivier 46 years old and 23 years of professional experience, law school and business school. I worked for 17 years as a lawyer, legal manager and commercial manager in large corporate groups.

In 2017 I launched a start-up in foodtech called "monpanierbleu". I wanted to undertake and develop the local short food circuit on the French Riviera. It was starting to work but then Covid came along. I couldn't find an investor to develop the concept, so I went back to legal and compliance matters.

I was advised by an EPS with whom I did some freelance assignments on a freelance basis and one of my client companies then hired me on a permanent basis but quickly stopped a number of contracts before the end of the trial periods, including me. I then resumed my freelance activity.

What do you like best about your job as a freelancer?

We have the advantage of being independent but in my field of activity the difficulty is to find assignments. We have to find assignments via platforms or our professional network, and therefore position ourselves and do some marketing, which requires patience and having money to spare to wait.

There are a lot of freelancers on the market in my Compliance/Legal ops sector, but there is a limited demand from large companies, which prefer to use consultants by paying them in business rather than in days worked, or to call on large consulting firms rather than independent consultants.

Why did you choose freelance administration?

If you compare it to the status of self-employed entrepreneur, freelance administration allows you to position yourself better in terms of credibility. It also makes everyday life easier: in a self-employed business or company, you have to manage the charges, the accounts, etc.

The fact of having an employee status in freelance administration is more reassuring. You concentrate on your job, providing consultancy services and looking for assignments, you don't have to worry about anything else. It is also better valued on the market than being a self-employed entrepreneur.

Of course, you get about half of the turnover you make, but that doesn't change the status of an employee, where after contributions you get a net salary. It's a real comfort because you only have to concentrate on your work. You can also combine several statuses, such as freelance and employee.

Why did you choose INVOICERY France as a freelance administration company?

I met the French manager of Invoicery and I found that what Invoicery offered was more adapted and pragmatic.

The biggest plus I found with Invoicery is that the team is very professional, the answers are quick and adapted, it's a real comfort. Compared to the competitor I used, we have the advantage of benefiting from Invoicery's support for everything related to customer contracts, accounting, HR, and everything related to the management of social security contributions, mutual insurance, and so on. We don't have to worry about that anymore, we can just concentrate on our business, and canvassing for assignments.

What does Invoicery offer you?

Since I've been with Invoicery it's been going well, the team is nice and understanding even when there are stressful moments and everything is going well with my client companies.

I would definitely recommend Invoicery to freelancers who want to have a different pace of life compared to working for a company and who don't want to take the risk of opening a company or becoming a self-employed person.