This is how it works

Invoice your customers without your own company


You find clients and negotiate your assignments

You register the assignment and when it's approved by us you are employed in order to combine the benefits of salaried employment with the freedom of a freelancer. Safe and easy.

You retain the autonomy of a freelancer. You have your own customers and you are free to manage your business. We are here to support and enable you.


We invoice your clients

You are empowered to organise your own schedule and carry out your assignment. After you've carried out an assignment or worked for a period you want to get paid for, simply create an invoice through our easy digital tool.


You receive your salary

You receive your salary without waiting for the payment of your customer invoices. We declare and pay the various social and employer charges and manage all the administrative and legal aspects.

Thanks to Invoicery, you can concentrate on your core business and the development of your activity. We are here to support and enable you.

Are you a...

Freelancer and you don't want to set up a company in order to focus exclusively on your activity?

Entrepreneur and want to define your own schedules, rates and workplaces or test your concept and market before creating your own structure?

Active employee and you would like to pursue an activity in addition to your job?

Jobseeker and you want to restart your professional career.

Retiree and you wish to work to supplement your pension?

Portage salarial represents more than 750 jobs split into three mains fields of activities.

The Intellectual activities : Consulting (human resources, business development, marketing, etc.), Engineering, Research, IT, Technical expertise, Training, Coaching, etc.

The Commercial activities : Commercial agent, Real estate negotiator, Influencer, Trade fair organiser, Insurance intermediary advisor, Works broker, etc.

The Artisanal activities, personal and community services: Hairdressing at home, Well-being professions, Esthetics, Personal transport, School support, Home help, Relaxologist, Dietician, Naturopath, Construction, Gardening, etc.

Want to use our services abroad? Invoicery supports you and gives you the benefits of its international expertise.

We are multilingual and help you in French, English and all the Nordic languages.

Due to the opening up of international markets, companies based overseas no longer hesitate to call on the assessment of French consultants, managers and experts (or foreigners living in France) to meet their needs.

The international portage salarial enables you to develop your business internationally. This system covers both face-to-face and distance missions, from France, for companies abroad.

Freelance workers wanting to carry out missions on French territory on behalf of clients located abroad in need of a specific expertise.

Freelance workers willing to work abroad on a temporary or permanent basis while preserving their social benefits linked to their employee status in France, under the status of a detached worker or expatriate, in order to benefit from a secure working environment.

International portage salarial allows you to offer professional expertise all over the world without having to set up your own company and by freeing you from administrative and legal formalities that are both complicated and expensive.

You pay us only 8% of the invoiced amount – this includes:

  • Our fee is 8% with No hidden costs or additional fees. This guarantees acces to the listed benefits.
  • Your estimated net payout is 53% of the invoice amount. (See our calculator for details)







Know your worth

How much to invoice in order to obtain the desired salary? Our simulator allows you to convert your invoicing as a Freelance into a net salary.

Try out the simulator

Get the right answers to your questions about portage salarial

This is a new type of work which emerged in the mid-1980s in France and allows independent workers to maintain their autonomy while benefiting from employee status and its advantages.

As with traditional employment, fixed-term and permanent contracts are possible with portage salarial.

In wage portage, you benefit from the status of an employee. As a result, you also benefit from all the benefits of this status: pension, health insurance, retirement, unemployment, training, etc.

An employee in wage portage: - May not work more than 10 hours per day, - May not work more than 48 hours per week, - May not work more than 44 hours on average over 12 consecutive weeks, - Must have a daily rest period of 11 consecutive hours and a weekly rest period of 35 consecutive hours. However, there is no minimum working time in the wage portage administration.

Paid holidays are about 2.5 days per month, which is the same as for standard employment contracts. Like a independent worker, a freelance consultant is able to plan his activity freely. The portage salarial's company cannot impose its working periods on the consultant, or its paid holidays, which will be calculated in the same way as any other member of staff in the company and will be included in the pay slip.

This is possible subject to compliance with maximum working hours.

Wage portage represents more than 750 professions divided into 3 main areas: Intellectual services, Commercial services and Artisanal services. The regulated activities (doctor, lawyer, accountant, etc.) and the personal services are not covered by wage portage.

For a free and personalized study, do not hesitate to contact us!

Absolutely, you keep your rights if the assignment requires less than 100 hours per month and brings in less than 70% of your former gross salary, thus forming part of a return to reduced activity. On the other hand, if the assignment/contract is full-time, you will regain your rights at the end of the benefit.

If you have a foreign nationality and your country is within the European Union, you can become a member and you do not need to take any specific steps. When you register, you simply need to provide us with a copy of your National Identity Card. This must be currently valid. If you have a foreign nationality and your country is outside the European Union, in order to work in a French company, you must have a work permit issued by the French administration, as well as a residency permit.

Unlike the auto-entrepreneur status, no maximum turnover is imposed in wage portage. However, there is a minimum salary to be respected: minimum 2399.60€/month for a junior position and 2913.80€/month for a senior position.

As any employee, contractual salaries are due on the first day of the following month of activity.

We will pay you your salary every month, regardless of the payment of your client's invoices. We will take care of the follow-up with your clients for the payment of invoices related to your mission.

As an employer, we are required to take out professional indemnity insurance, the costs of which are included within our management fees. This means that you are covered in the case of an incident or dispute that could involve your responsibility. Our PII policy is provided by AXA.

Yes, we can offer you the same employer's health insurance as for regular employees. The contribution is paid 50% by the employer and 50% by the employee.

This is your role and it's often the reason why you turn to portage salarial. As we are not a temporary employment agency, we cannot give you missions according to the legislation (loan of labour). However, we are at your disposal to assist you in the negotiation of the terms and conditions and the setting of the amount.

The best solution is the full reimbursement of mission expenses (pro expenses) on the salary slip. In this case, receipts must be presented. The client can also ask for approval before any expenses are committed.

The contract between the portage salarial's company and your client is a service contract. We sign an employment contract with you. We are therefore an intermediary between you and your clients (Tripartite relationship).

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