Smooth wage management

What are the benefits of using it?

- Allows you to use a resource (the freelancer) very quickly, without having to hire him/her, or require him/her to create a company.

- Control of economic, legal and organizational risks.

- Flexibility of the system, ease of implementation: the freelancer and his client are totally relieved of the administrative aspects.

- Control of the payroll.

- Cost control: the Portage company assumes the settlement period ( Not like an employee who has to be paid each month), the Portage company allows a supplier delay payment period.

- A Freelancer under Portage salarial is fully dedicated to his mission.

- A very simplified management.

- Outsourced human resources management: No social commitment, we are not in a recruiting process but in the purchase of a service.

How much does a freelancer cost?

The Freelancer negotiates the price of his services with your company.

You will negotiate together the conditions of his intervention that will be included in the commercial contract signed with the Portage salarial company and reported in his employment contract.

The freelancer cannot be paid less than 70% gross per month of the monthly social security ceiling for juniors or 75% for seniors.

When you work with Invoicery France the management fee is only 8% of the salary cost.

In which cases is Portage salarial the solution?

It's the right way to meet a need for specialised expertise on an assignment that is necessarily limited in time.

He must be a freelancer with at least three years experience in the field or a level 5 diploma (formerly III, bac+2).

He must be autonomous in negotiating his services and the conditions of the fulfilment with the client company.

The permitted cases of appeal to independent administration reflect the necessarily ad hoc nature of the company's need.

Like the fixed-term contract, portage cannot therefore fill positions that correspond to the normal activity of the company.

As the Portage salarial's employee is not an employee of your company, you do not have to draw up a pay slip.

The Portage salarial company takes care of this and you only have to pay the invoice for the service.

You are therefore relieved of the payment of social security contributions, employer's contributions and other imputs associated with the employment, contractualisation, declaration of employment, occupational medicine, etc.

The Portage salarial company fulfils all of these obligations on your behalf.

Why not instead resort to temporary work or recruit the expert on a fixed-term contract?

These types of employment meet different needs.

In the case of temporary work, the client company asks a temporary employment agency to recruit and employ an employee with any qualifications required to meet its needs.

The employee will be seconded to the customer in return for a management fee. The activities of these companies are very precisely regulated by specific texts in the French Labour Code.

In the case of Portage Salarial, the contractor is an expert who has negotiated the service he will provide to his customer without being an employee. They then apply to a Portage Salarial company for employee status to carry out the service.

Freelance administration offers the flexibility of a commercial relationship with an expert "hosted" by the administration company.

As the freelance employee is not an employee of your company, you do not have to issue any pay slips. The Portage Salarial company takes care of this, and all you have to do is pay the invoice for the service provided by the freelance administration company. You are therefore relieved of the payment of social security contributions, employer's contributions and other contributions associated with salaried employment, contractualisation, declaration of recruitment, occupational medicine, etc.

The Portage Salarial company fulfils these obligations on your behalf.

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