What is the role of the portage salarial company?

Article L.1251-64 of the French Labour Code defines "portage salarial" as a " contractual relationship between a "portage" company, a "ported" person and client companies ". This new form of work allows self-employed persons to maintain their independence in negotiating, prospecting and carrying out assignments.

In return, they receive a salary which depends on their turnover.

The role of the portage salarial company is to take care of the administrative and fiscal procedures. It is also the employer of a freelance worker. Wage portage involves a tripartite relationship between the client company, the Freelance worker But not only!

The various areas of the portage salarial Company's support:

Ø The portage salarial company ensures the administrative management of the relationship between the Freelance and the client. The company proposes support measures linked to the exercise of the activity of the freelance employee and the realisation of his professional project.

Ø The portage salarial company supports the Freelance to enable him/her to develop his/her services in such a way as to promote the sustainability of the contractual relationship. To do this, the portage company facilitates access to training, skills assessment and validation of acquired experience.

Ø It ensures that the elements making up the price of the service, and in particular the minimum fee set by law, the business contribution payment, and the planned fee(s), are in conformity.

Ø The company contracts the Freelance person in portage and calculates and pays the various social charges to the state organisations.

Ø It checks the conformity of the elements communicated by the freelance employee on the basis of an activity report approved, if necessary, by the client.

Ø The portage salarial company ensures that the service is carried out correctly.

Ø The portage salarial company provides all useful assistance in the negotiation and drawing up of commercial portage contracts, and in the proper respect of legal and/or contractual obligations between the freelance employee and his client, in particular through the possible use of legal assistance.

Ø The portage company commits itself to invoice the service as it has been negociated between the client and the freelance worker.

Ø It may reject a freelance commercial contract if one or more elements transmitted and/or forgotten by the employee do not allow its implementation in accordance with the legal and conventional provisions or if the EPS considers that the mission presents a risk which it cannot ensure (financial risk, risky nature of the activity, etc.).

Ø The portage company sets up and manages an activity account for each employee and pays the remuneration and related charges in accordance with the legal and regulatory conditions, without waiting for the payment of its clients' invoices.


The Freelance employee is freed from all his administrative management. They can concentrate exclusively on finding clients/missions and performing their services. And they have a free mind because in the case of any difficulties, they have social security cover equivalent to the one for employees.